Top 10 Benefits of Tubed Packaged Goods

 Tubed packaged goods are the most common form of packaged food in grocery stores. They are easy to store and they last much longer than other types of packaged food like cans.

1. They are tough to break

Packaging is everywhere these days. From your morning cereal to the makeup you put on before work, packaging is an integral part of the shopping experience. But did you know that the packaging industry has a dark side?

2. Tubed packaged goods don't rust like cans do

The packaging of many items has evolved with the times, but for some products like spaghetti, canned goods and rice, the steel can remains the best option. The metal can is durable, easy to use and doesn’t need to be recycled.

3. Food doesn't get wet when they are opened

The lid for the can is hermetically sealed, thus preventing contact with air and moisture. The can also has a sealant that prevents the loss of liquid from within the can.

4. Tubed packaged goods are available in single portion sizes

Single serving sizes are the perfect solution for people who have a sweet tooth. Sweet snacks like ice cream, frozen yogurt and pudding cups have become increasingly popular in recent years and they are available in single portions.

5. Tubed packaged goods hold over 5x their weight in water to keep food fresh

Tubed packaged goods are a great way of keeping food fresh. They hold over 5x their weight in water inside of them, allowing the food to take in water while still preserving its taste.

6. One dish can feed many people at once, if it is the right size or shape, like lasagna or spaghetti

There are a number of dishes that can be easily shared among a group. Lasagna, spaghetti and meatballs, macaroni and cheese, eggplant parmesan, and stroganoff are all dishes that can feed many people at once.

7. Tubed packaged goods can be reused up to 5 times

Packaging is more than just a container. It's a brand's most direct line of communication with the customer. It delivers a message that communicates what you can expect inside the package.

8. Tubed packaged goods are easy to serve and clean

You no longer have to worry about running out of food for your family. With the new, tubed packaged goods, you can rest assured that you will always be able to feed your family. These packages are made for easy serving as well as easy clean up.

9. Tubed packaged goods protect food from insects

Tubes and cans both protect food from bugs. Tubes are easier to stack, they take up less space in the refrigerator, they are less likely to leak and they're more portable. Cans are better at preserving flavor and consistency of food, but require a can opener that many people don't have.

10. Tubes can be recycled into new tubes and they are easier to store

Tubes might seem like one of those products that are difficult to recycle, but in reality they can be recycled into new tubes. This is an example of a process called tube extrusion. It's easier to store them too because the tubing can be compressed and stored vertically on a shelf, saving space in your home or garage.

Example: Trash is a type of material that can be recycled into new material. Tubes are used to package food, so it can be recycled and made into new tubes.


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